Sarah Noga

- 2021 Beckman Scholar
- Pursuing a Ph.D. Chemical and Biological Engineering at University of Wisconsin-Madison
Contact Info
Personal Links
Biography —
Sarah Noga is from Des Moines, IA where she graduated from Waukee High School. Sarah was inspired to pursue a career in research by her passion to help others and her love of learning. Her work in Dr. Joanna Slusky's laboratory focused on investigating the structure and folding pathways of antibiotic resistance proteins. A more comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms behind these proteins will aid in the development of techniques to slow antibiotic resistance. Sarah graduated from KU in 2022 with a B.S. in biochemistry and a minor in health information management. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in chemical and biological engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Education —
Selected Publications —
Ikujuni, A.P.; Dhar, R.; Noga, S.; Slusky, J.S.G. "Characterization of TolC biogenesis reveals the formation of folded periplasmic intermediates" in preparation 2023
Selected Presentations —
Noga, S. "Solving the structure of monomeric TolC to inhibit efflux pump activity" KU Chemistry NSF-REU Research Project Goals Symposium, Lawrence, KS, June 7, 2021 (talk).
Noga, S. "Determing structural characteristics of antibiotic efflux pump protein folding intermediates" KU Chemistry NSF-REU Final Symposium, Lawrence, KS, July 28, 2021 (talk).
Noga, S.; Budiardjo, J.; Stevens, J. Ikujuni, A.P.; Slusky, J.S.G. “Determining the Specificity of Colicins to Outer Membrane Efflux Pumps” 4th Protein Engineering Canada (PEC) Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 21-24, 2022 (poster).
Noga, S. "Solving the structure of monomeric TolC to inhibit efflux pump activity" KU Chemistry NSF-REU Research Project Goals Symposium, Lawrence, KS, June 7, 2021 (talk).
Awards & Honors —
Encoded Library Technology (ELT) Biophysics Co-op Student - GSK, Cambridge, MA
Jan.-Jul. 2023
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
Marine Biology Study Abroad focused on bioluminescence - Bonaire
Jan. 2022
Drug Development and Biotechnology Study Abroad - Copenhagen
Aug.-Dec. 2022