Jonah Stiel

- 2019 Beckman Scholar
- Pursuing Ph.D. in Chemistry at UC Irvine
Contact Info
Personal Links
Biography —
Jonah Stiel is from Topeka, Kansas where he attended Washburn Rural High School. At KU, he majored in chemistry with a concentration in biological chemistry. Jonah was inspired to pursue a career in research by his love of discovery and passion for helping the environment. His work in the Blakemore Group sought to investigate the underlying mechanisms of catalysis in a subset of organometallic molecular electrocatalysts for the synthesis of renewable fuels. Better understanding of these mechanisms will allow for the design of superior electrocatalysts. Jonah graduated with his BS in chemistry in 2022 and is currently pursuing a PhD in chemistry at the University of California, Irvine.
Education —
Selected Publications —
Stiel, J.P., Henke, W.C., Moore, W.N.G., Barker, N.M., Oliver, A.G., Day, V.W., and Blakemore, J.D.,* Redox Properties of [Cp*Rh] Complexes Supported by Mono-substituted 2,2’-Bipyridyl Ligands, in preparation, 2023.
Henke, W.C., Peng, Y., Meier, A.A., Fujita, E., Grills, D.C., Polyansky, D.E., and Blakemore, J.D. Mechanistic roles of metal- and ligand-protonated species in hydrogen evolution with [Cp*Rh] complexes. PNAS 120 (21) e2217189120.
Henke, W.C.; Hopkins, J.A.; Anderson, M.L.; Stiel, J.P.; Day, V.W.; Blakemore, J.D. "4,5-Diazafluorene and 9,9'-disubstituted 4,5-diazafluorene ligands supporting redox-active Mn and Ru complexes" Molecules, 2020, 25(14), 3189.
Henke, W.C.; Stiel, J.P.; Day, V.W.; Blakemore, J.D. "Evidence for Charge Delocalization in Diazafluorene Ligands Supporting Low-Valent [Cp*Rh] Complexes" Chem. Eur. J. 2022, 28 (9), e202103970
Selected Presentations —
Stiel, J.P.; Henke, W.C.; Moore, W.N.G.; Day, V.W.; Blakemore, J.D. "Synthesis and Redox Chemistry of [Cp*Rh] Complexes Supported by Monosubstituted 2,2’-Bipyridyl Ligands" 263rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, March 20, 2022, San Diego, CA
Stiel, J.P.; Henke, W.C.; Hopkins, J.A.; Day, V.; Blakemore, J.D. "Unexpected reactivity during synthesis of 4,5-diazafluorene ligands for use in studies of redox catalysis" Beckman Symposium, Irvine CA, August 2020 (poster; online)
Stiel, J.P.; Henke, W.C.; Hopkins, J.A.; Day, V.; Blakemore, J.D. "Unexpected outcomes during synthesis of 9,9-disubstituted 4,5-diazafluorene ligands for use in studies of redox catalysis" 260th American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Fransisco, CA, August 2020 (poster)
Stiel, J.P.; Henke, W.C.; Hopkins, J.A.; Day, V.; Blakemore, J.D. "Unexpected reactivity during synthesis of 4,5-diazafluorene ligands for use in studies of redox catalysis" 259th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, March 2020 (poster)
Stiel, J.; Henke, W.C.; Blakemore, J.D. "Unexpected reactivity during synthesis of 4,5-diazafluorene ligands for use in studies of redox catalysis" 27th Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Wichita, KS, October, 2019 (poster)
Stiel, J. "Understanding the role of steric bulk in catalysts for reduction of carbon dioxide" REU Research Progress Symposium, Lawrence, KS, July 24, 2019 (talk)
Stiel, J.; Blakemore, J.D "Understanding the role of sterically bulky diimine ligands during electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 using [Mn(CO)3] complexes" Summer Undergraduate Research Poster Session, Lawrence, KS, July 26, 2019 (poster).
Stiel, J.; Henke, W.C.; Blakemore, J.D. "Targeting Modulated Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction with [Mn(CO)3] Complexes Bearing Sterically Bulky Diimine Ligands" Undergraduate Research Symposium, Lawrence, KS, April 2019 (poster; selected for Outstanding Presenter Award)
Awards & Honors —
Graduated with University Honors and Chemistry Department Honors
American Institute of Chemists Award
Ted M. Gardiner Award, Chemistry Department
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
Kansas ChemScholar, Chemistry Department
AY 21-22
DAAD RISE Germany Scholar
Summer 2021
Astronaut Scholarship
First KU student to be renewed: First Astronaut Scholar to speak to the ASF Board of Directors and Board of Trustees
2020 | 2021
Floyd & Ruth Fassnacht Memorial Scholarship, Chemistry Department
April 2020 | Renewed April 2021
Burton & Cheryle MacKenzie Scholarship, Chemistry Department
April 2019
Clark E. and Ann Bricker Scholarship, Chemistry Department
April 2018